Stephen Wolfram Q&A

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Some collected questions and answers by Stephen Wolfram

Questions may be edited for brevity; see links for full questions.

April 9, 2005

From: Interview by Andres Hax, Clarín

When did you decide to put A New Kind of Science on your website? How important will the internet be for introducing NKS into the global intellectual community?

I’d planned to put the book on the web, though representing its visual elements there is still a challenge. One thing that’s great about NKS is that once you understand it, all you need to do it is a computer. So that immediately allows it to be a very global enterprise. We’ve been working on inventing some new forms of intellectual interaction on the internet. We’re building a giant atlas of the computational universe. And we’re planning to start live webconferenced computer experiments. NKS is a young field, with tremendous opportunities for a very wide range of people.

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