Stephen Wolfram Q&A
Submit a questionSome collected questions and answers by Stephen Wolfram
Questions may be edited for brevity; see links for full questions.
Future Perspectives
(39)February 1, 1993
From: Interview by Michael Swaine, Dr. Dobb's Journal
Do you have any opinions on the dominant paradigms of today, and about which will survive into the next decade?
June 1, 1996
From: Interview by Stephen Collart, Euromath Bulletin
Symbolic computation as a research discipline has an uneasy existence between mathematics and computer science. Will this change? What can be done to change it?
June 1, 1996
From: Interview by Stephen Collart, Euromath Bulletin
Do you believe that any further major general-purpose symbolic computation systems could be successfully launched in the future?
June 1, 1996
From: Interview by Stephen Collart, Euromath Bulletin
One sees a multiplication of smaller specialized systems whose design is also increasingly sophisticated. What balance and relationship do you see in the future between specialized and comprehensive systems?
June 1, 1996
From: Interview by Stephen Collart, Euromath Bulletin
The community has proponents of “free” software. Increasing numbers of researchers and better software engineering might make public domain systems increasingly serious contenders. What future do you see for the roles of free and commercial software?
February 6, 1998
From: Interview by David Stork, Hal's Legacy: 2001's Computer as Dream and Reality
A lot of things haven’t worked out exactly as 2001: A Space Odyssey predicted. Does that surprise you?
February 6, 1998
From: Interview by David Stork, Hal's Legacy: 2001's Computer as Dream and Reality
What kind of thing would make us sure we had detected extraterrestrial intelligence? What about receiving the digits of pi?
February 6, 1998
From: Interview by David Stork, Hal's Legacy: 2001's Computer as Dream and Reality
Will we find extraterrestrial intelligence?
July 7, 2002
From: Interview by Loch Adamson, The New York Times
What kinds of scientific contributions might come about in response to your book? And when do you think we might see them?
April 9, 2005
From: Interview by Andres Hax, ClarÃn
How do you see the future of the human race? Will the implications of the Principle of Computational Equivalence, if recognized and adopted, alter the evolution of the human race? If so, how and how soon?
July 1, 2008
From: Interview by Luciano Floridi, Philosophy of Computing and Information: 5 Questions
What are the most important open problems concerning computation and/or information, and what are the prospects for progress?
November 12, 2008
From: Interview by Carlos Gershenson, Complexity: 5 Questions
How do you see the future of complexity (including obstacles, dangers, promises and relations with other areas)?
August 31, 2009
From: Interview by Kaustubh Katdare, CrazyEngineers
How do you think dependence on computers will affect us in the future?
August 31, 2009
From: Interview by Kaustubh Katdare, CrazyEngineers
What kind of problems can we attempt to solve in the future using Mathematica?
May 14, 2012
From: Reddit AMA
Is there any validity in the talk about the Singularity and Transhumanism?
May 14, 2012
From: Reddit AMA
Will we ever formulate the Grand Unified Field Theory, or will it always be a mystery to us?
May 14, 2012
From: Reddit AMA
Do you have any sci-fi type ideas that you really think are achievable within your lifetime? Faster-than-light travel, meeting extraterrestrial intelligent life, things of that sort.
May 14, 2012
From: Reddit AMA
What will be the most promising topics of research in computational science in the near future?
April 26, 2013
From: Interview by Patrick Tucker, IEET
Given the future of digitized knowledge, the exponential growth in structured and unstructured data that we can look forward to over the coming decades, is it possible that the space of irreducible knowledge, of unpredictable knowledge—while it will still always exist—is shrinking? Would this mean that the space of predictable knowledge is in fact growing?
April 26, 2013
From: Interview by Patrick Tucker, IEET
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? And what do you see yourself having accomplished 10 years from now?
April 26, 2013
From: Interview by Patrick Tucker, IEET
Your seminal book, A New Kind of Science, is ten years old. You recently wrote a blog post on the anniversary. Can you talk a little bit about the future of science?
July 27, 2015
From: Interview by Byron Reese, Gigaom
How many years away, in your mind, are we from AI/robot rights becoming a mainstream topic? Is this a decade, or 25 years, or …?
February 23, 2016
From: Reddit AMA
What are your thoughts about the singularity?
July 20, 2016
From: Reddit AMA
How realistic do you think it is for data science as a career to become obsolete due to automation in the next twenty years?
November 21, 2016
From: Interview by Sarah Lewin,
Is there any concept you invented for the movie Arrival that you’re thinking about exploring more?
March 8, 2017
From: Interview by John Horgan, Scientific American
What’s the ultimate purpose of the Wolfram Language? Can it fulfill Leibniz’s dream of a language that can help us resolve all questions, moral as well as scientific? Can it provide a means of unambiguous communication between all intelligent entities, whether biological or artificial?
March 8, 2017
From: Interview by John Horgan, Scientific American
Are autonomous machines, capable of choosing their own goals, inevitable? Is there anything we humans do that cannot—or should not—be automated?
March 8, 2017
From: Interview by John Horgan, Scientific American
What’s your utopia?
April 3, 2018
From: Interview by Harrison Tasoff,
Works of science fiction make many predictions. What differentiates the things that won’t happen from those that haven’t happened yet?
April 3, 2018
From: Interview by Harrison Tasoff,
Given the differences between this wave of space enthusiasm and that of the Cold War, do you think we’ll see things more like the space travel depicted in 2001: A Space Odyssey?
May 14, 2018
From: Interview by Lara Crigger,
What sort of applications could smart contracts have in the financial markets?
May 29, 2018
From: Interview by Byron Reese,
What do you think the future is going to be like, in 10 years, 20, 50, 100?
March 4, 2019
From: Reddit AMA
Do you see working from home to be a more common and expected thing in the future?
March 4, 2019
From: Reddit AMA
Do you think there will ever be a treatment for math disorders such as Dyscalculia, and how do you think software may be able to assist this effort?
March 4, 2019
From: Reddit AMA
About mobile technology, do you think that smartphones will suppress desktop computing? What is the future of mobile vs desktop computing in business? What do you think about programming in mobile in the future?
July 24, 2019
From: Interview by Will Carey, Creative Chair
Theoretically, would 3D printing ever be possible on a molecular level?
November 4, 2019
From: Interview by Margaret Harris, Physics World
What role do you think computation will play in the future of physics?
December 6, 2019
From: Interview by Jeff D’Alessio, The News-Gazette (unpublished)
What’s the next big thing in your line of work?
December 18, 2019
From: Interview by Guy Kawasaki, Remarkable People Podcast